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Home And School

The purpose of the Home and School Association is two-fold:


  • To provide parent education.

  • To unite the home and school in their endeavours to provide quality Christian education.


The Home and School serves to strengthen relationships between the home and school by promoting activities such as:


  • Encouraging and facilitating frequent communication between home and school

  • Providing opportunity for fund-raising activities to support special projects

  • Organising social events and parent information evenings

  • Assisting in providing the school with additional equipment to enhance students’  learning experiences

  • Providing suggestions to the College Council for improvements


The Home and School Association is the base for which parents can be involved in the process of providing and improving the College facilities for the benefit of the students.  It is comprised of parents, teachers and friends of the school.


Blue Hills College recognises the importance of close communication and interaction between the school and parents.  A high priority is placed on parental involvement in the educational program of the College.  Parents are welcome to express their views via the Home and School representative or by speaking to the Principal who is present at each meeting.


The Home and School Association encourages each family to participate in one major fund raising event each year and is always happy to have parent support at its monthly meetings. You are invited to be a part of your Home and School by attending the next meeting.  Please contact the College office to enquire about the time and date of the next meeting.

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